I first came across Iced Tea was when I visited the Southern USA for vacation several years ago (I’m a Brit) long before me moved here to live. Mr Noshtastic was offered ‘tea’ in a home we were visiting and was a little taken aback when it came in a glass with ice instead of hot in a cup.

It was even funnier (to me at least) when he tasted it and nearly gagged because it was as sweet as syrup.
My peach iced tea recipe is really easy to make and works best with fresh, in season peaches. I make a simple sugar syrup with the peaches and then add that to the tea mixture.

Delicious Peach Iced Tea Recipe!


  • 3 ripe peaches
  • 1 cup of sugar 200g
  • 250 mls water
  • 2-3 tea bags depends on type and strength


  1. Wash the peaches and cup them up into small pieces.
  2. Put them in a pan with the water and sugar and simmer for five minutes, or until soft.
  3. Use a potato masher to smush them down some more, then cook on a low simmer for ten more minutes.
  4. Remove from the heat and let sit for 30 minutes or so, then put the whole mixture in a blenderor food processor and whiz it all up!
  5. Run the mixture through a sieve to get all the skin out, then you are left with your peach syrup.
  6. Make a quart/1 litre of regular tea.
  7. If you make sweet tea then it will be very sweet when you add the peach syrup, but it’s really up to you!
  8. Add the syrup to your individual glass of cooled tea and stir well.
  9. Will make 2 – 4 8oz glasses depending on how much syrup you add.
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