These supplements are generally ineffective and what’s even more terrific – they are harmful.

Luckily, many people have started turning toward natural remedies in order to solve this problem.

Health practitioners claim that returning the body its natural balance is the first step to be taken when starting to lose weight. 

According to them, the body will return to a normal weight once it is healthy and balanced, and this can only be achieved when fruits, vegetables and herbs are used to rebalance the body. 

What’s more, some weight loss experts discovered a certain banana beverage.

Here, we offer the banana drink recipe and its nutritional facts, since you have to know what you consume.

Banana Drink Recipe


One frozen ripe banana;

One tablespoon of grated ginger;

A cup of frozen blueberries;

Two tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed;

Half of a cup of baby spinach and some ice;

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