1. Consume enough calories
  2. Eat foods high in vitamin C and B
  3. Include probiotic foods in your diet
  4. Cut down the coffee
  5. Consume adaptogenic herbs
  6. Relax and minimize stress
  7. Get enough sleep, at least eight hours
The saliva testing requires four samples in one day to determine your cortisol rhythm, so that you will have the information you need to restore any imbalance.
Next, combine a nutrient-rich diet with a healing protocol, by adding more veggies to each meal, high quality wild fish, eggs, grass fed lamb and beef etc. Consume high-quality sea salt, also healthy fats such as olive oil, butter, coconut oil, then super-foods such as organ meats, raw probiotic foods/kraut, and bone broth.
Then, you should take the right healing supplements on a regular basis, including:
  1. Tulsi and nettle tea
  2. Phosphatidylserine
  3. Adrecore
  4. B-vitamins
  5. Minerals
  6. Adaptogenic herbs, such as licorice root, adrenatone, maca root, and/or GAIA
  7. Vitamin C
Finally, to restore your natural circadian rhythms you should start eating every four hours, waking up every day at the same time and going to bed by 10pm. It is very important to keep stable your blood sugar levels since blood sugar imbalances can stress your adrenals. You can achieve this by eliminating white sugar, gluten, refined foods, coffee, sodas, and nightly wine of your diet. Avoid skipping meals. To boost your digestion you can even take a high-quality probiotic supplements.
If you want to get rid of the fatigue, add adaptogenic herbs, such as holy basil, licorice root, ashwaganda, schizandra, rhodiola, and maca to your daily routine. Before you do any of this be sure to consult a practitioner to help you determine what you need.
Even though you start eating well, you can not solve this problem if you do not make some simple lifestyle changes. Start by getting restorative sleep and taking enough time to relax and calm down your exhausted and overstimulated body and mind.Previous Page>>

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