Lemon essential oil is also another beneficial natural cure. These are only some of its uses:
It encourages fat burning- drink one glass of water mixed with 2 drops of lemon, three times per day to speed up the metabolism.
It strengthens the immunity- mix it with some coconut oil and rub the mixture onto the neck to treat colds and encourage lymphatic drainage.
It improves the mood- diffusing this essential oil in the air will prevent depression and thus, better your mood.
It whitens the teeth- mix baking soda, lemon essential oil, and coconut oil and then rub it onto the teeth for 2 minutes and spit it out and rinse the mouth.
It nourishes the facial skin- mix honey, lemon essential oil, and baking soda and wash the face with it to soften the skin, fight off acne, and improve your complexion.
It can disinfect almost anything- to clean mold in the shower and to disinfect countertops, spray the areas with a mixture from white vinegar, 40 drops of lemon essential oil, 20 drops of tea oil.
Polishes wood and silver- make wooden and silver areas in your home shine by cleaning them with a cloth soaked in lemon essential oil.
It removes sticky goo- lemon essential oil is amazing at cleaning sticky goo from surfaces.Previous Page>>

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