Some people feel nervous using someone else s bathroom. Others have seen so many disastrous ones to trust them at all. 

Whenever we use a public restroom, we roll the dice .What we can find behind these doors, if we can even close them. Grimy floors, filthy seats or busted toilets, sometimes is very ugly picture .But anyway when nature calls sometimes this public toilets are our final option.

You need to stop if you build a paper barrier in the toilet .We all assume that toilets seats are covered in bacteria. But actually toilet seats are designed to not pick up any bacteria. They are rather safe to sit on because their smooth surface prevents bacteria from sticking around. So don’t expect to get sick from sitting on dry publics toilet seat, because germs cannot multiply on bare skin alone. The real germs are in the toilet paper.
Nothing else in a bathroom stall is designed to prevent bacteria from sticking to it. When we flush the toilet, germs get spread all around the stall. They latch onto the walls, the door handle, the toilet paper dispenser, and, of course, the actual toilet paper. Unfortunately, perfect for collecting bacteria is toilet paper’s surface. Germs settle right into the paper.  We make it awfully easy for these nasty germs to get into our bodies because we use the toilet paper it to blow our noses or wipe our faces.
Every surface of a public restroom is festering with bacteria, also including the sink and the hand dryers.  Responsible for distributing high amounts of bacteria around a restroom, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology are largely electric hand dryers.
The airflow is the problem with these electric hand dryers. While they blowing water off our hands, they’re also blowing bacterial and viral particles up into the air. This contaminating just everything ,because  gets circulated throughout the room .While the air blowing from the hand dryer may be clean, low-mounted hand dryers will collect pools of bacteria-infested water that drip off the user’s hands. Many of us are too impatient to wait for our hands to completely dry. So we are walking out with dripping hands and further spreading bacteria. We can tell that  paper towels are actually more beneficial to everyone’s health ,but  for a business may be cheaper to invest in an electric hand dryer .

So, if we have to use a public restroom what should we do? Firstly, we shouldn’t build a toilet paper barrier. Secondly, to prevent germs from flying around, we should close the toilet lid before flushing. Also, think about carrying your own baby wipes or hand sanitizer. These little things can help us to avoid catching any harmful bacteria.
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