1 tablespoon flaxseed
1 tablespoon nectar
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 glass water
As a matter of first importance wash the apple extremely well, then slash it into little pieces and evacuate the seeds.

From that point forward, put the apple in a blender and include the water and nectar.
Blend until you get a homogeneous glue. At long last, include the seeds of chia and linseed and mix well for a few minutes.
You ought to take this elixir once every day in time of 3 weeks. You will see its intense impacts soon.
This momentous drink will purge your colon, additionally will enhance the wellbeing of your heart.

The best part is that you will lose the additional weight rapidly by enhancing your digestion.
Alongside culmination of this elixir, it is critical to keep away from fulfillment of nourishments which are high in sugar and handled sustenance.Previous Page
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