Instructions to quick preparation: You simply blend all the ingredients together, and this healthy smoothie can replace your breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Nutritional Benefits

Bananas are rich in potassium, antioxidants, natural sugars and fiber, all of which nourish and revitalize your body and balance your blood sugar levels. Plus, bananas promote healthy digestion thus helping your body to absorb nutrients efficiently. 

What’s good about this is that a well-nourished body doesn’t crave junk foods, and it normally lets you know when you are full. 

Ginger is another ingredient in the banana drink with powerful medicinal properties, which improve your metabolism and suppress your appetite.

Although results are different in different people, which is true of any weight loss program, many people who tried the drink lost 2-4 pounds within a few days. 

However, it is questionable whether these pounds were water weight or actual fat loss. Also, at least one dieter reported improvement of skin quality as well.
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