That is changing, as diseases dealing in cognitive decline have been thrust onto center stage, made a focus by medical professionals and researchers looking for cures.

Blueberries and their antioxidants are supposed to help people fight off cognitive decline as they age.
Some of the anti aging foods provide more simple benefits, albeit important ones. Take the pomegranate, for example, whose first claim to fame is its high vitamin C content. However, you likely haven’t heard of punicalagin.

This is another nutrient found in the pomegranate, and it is supposed to have the specific benefit of stimulating collagen production. That should get your attention.
Did you think you would make it through a list of anti-aging foods without Brussels Sprouts?
That vegetable always finds a way to make it on every list. Brussel Sprouts pack a triple punch and high doses of each nutrient.

Those nutrients are folate and vitamins A and C. Experiment with different Brussels Sprouts recipes, and you might actually find them quite tasty.
What do you know about Resveratrol? It is a natural anti-inflammatory substance that provides joint health benefits. You get this nutrient when you eat grapes, and circling back for a moment, blueberries are also said to promote better joint health. 

The argument can be made that any healthy food has anti aging benefits, even dark chocolate. 

However, it is good to know what those benefits are, which ones are most important or most powerful and how to work everything into your diet.Previous Page
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