We always look for personality indicators in the physical appearance of an individual. 

Isn’t it kind of awkward to know that someone, somewhere may judge you by your nails, just because long or short, oval or square, your fingernail shape reveals a bit of your personality?
It turns out that fingers may have more in common with our masculinity or femininity than you might think. Let’s look at some of the research on finger length and fingernail shape and what it means for our personalities.

The vertically long nailYou’re probably a real romantic. Even-tempered with a strange but wonderful imagination. You can be a perfectionist and easily overwhelmed. You see the little things that no one notice. People really love you. You get along with most people.
The round egg nailYou march to a beat all your own, and it’s often slower than the fast-paced life of today’s society. This makes you a relaxed and quiet person who is at peace with themselves. 

This contentment allows you to feel a sense of happiness with yourself and your life. You always make rational and logical decisions, because you weigh up all the options beforehand. Thanks to your fantastic emotional balance, you often maintain long friendships. Continue Reading Page 2>>

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