Can I ask you something? Actually, can you do me a small favor – take a look at your toes and answer these questions:
  • Are your toes larger or smaller?
  • Which toe is the longest and which is the smallest?
  • Are your feet narrow or wide?
You’ll be amazed when we tell you that all these characteristics can tell a lot about your personality and even predict what can happen in your future. A recent study has confirmed that the shape of your feet and toes reveals a lot about your personality. So, take a look at the article below and find out more about this.

  1. Big Toe
  • First, you should take a look at your big toe. So, if your big toe is much longer than the others it means that you are very smart and creative and can always think of creative ways to solve your problems. YES, you’re very smart person that can think outside of the box. You’re full of ideas. On the negative side, it may be difficult for you to remain focused and can often abandon projects midway.
  • But, if your big toe is actually smaller than the others you are an excellent multi-tasker. YES, this means that it’s very easy for you to make people agree with your thoughts and ideas. And, you are also a great negotiator and complete your tasks efficiently.
  1. Second Toe
  • Did you know that your second toe is “connected” with your leadership qualities? The answer is yes, and this means that if this toe is longer, then you’re better in leading people. It also means that you are energetic and resourceful and always stand up for what you believe in. You always show initiative and strong desire to do what you think is right, which can be positive and negative at the same time.
  • But, ladies and gentlemen, if your second toe is shorter, it means that you can’t stand up for yourself. It also means that you are more level-headed and do not rush into things. You always think everything through and wait for your chance to do what you need to do.
  1. Third Toe
  • If your third toe is longer, it means that you are dynamic and resourceful at your job. Your main objective is to amount to success in your field of work. The third toe is “connected” with energy, drive and willpower. And, one more thing – if your third toe is longer, it also means that you are a perfectionist who always has the willpower to climb the ladder higher.
  • But, if your third toe is shorter you are relaxed and enjoy the small pleasures in life. Nothing seems to get on your nerves and you just love chilling out. Some may say that you’re lazy and lacking initiative. Your motto is – life is short so enjoy it while it lasts.

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