Watermelon is excellent hydrating fruit that should be consumed due to its health benefits.It is excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6,vitamin C, pantothenic acid, copper, biotin, potassium and magnesium.

Did you know that seeds from watermelon offer many benefits as well?

These seeds consist of nutrients like fatty acids, essential proteins, minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and are full of vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate.

Watermelon seeds have citrulline substance which acts an antioxidant, which has a positive effect in the case of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, angina and erectile dysfunction, thus promoting the expansion of blood vessels.

These seeds are also useful in treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases.Consume tea from fresh watermelon seeds and stones and sand in the kidneys will be naturally removed.

Recipe for watermelon seeds tea:
Take 20-30 watermelon seeds. Grind and boil them for 15 minutes in 2 liters of water. Consume this drink for 2 days and make a pause the third day. Continue like this for several weeks.
Below you can find all health benefits that watermelon seeds have to offer:
  1. Protect the heart
The seeds which are great source of magnesium that is required for normal function of our heart. In addition to this, they maintain normal level of blood pressure and enhance the metabolism process.
  1. Slow down the aging process
Due to antioxidant properties of this seeds, aging will be slowed down and your skin will have younger look.
  1. Remove acne
Clean your face with watermelon seed oil and acne, dirt and dead skin cells will be removed. This oil is suitable for every type of skin.Continue Reading Page 2>>
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