Pear, apple, banana, these fruit descriptions of a certain body shape can be really confusing and many people do not even know what is their body shape.
Therefore in order to remove any confusion, we bring you a simple guide that will help you identify four basic body shapes.
Do you want to finally find out what is your body shape and thereby stop buying clothes that simply do not fit you?
If so then we will show you how.
For this trick you will only need a tape measure, pen and paper.
If so then we will show you how.
For this trick you will only need a tape measure, pen and paper.
First, you need to measure the circumference of your shoulder, chest, waist and hips, and then all you have to do is find their form in the list of these four basic body shapes.
Shoulders: Measure the circumference of your shoulders. Have someone help you in this, because you will not be able to hold the meter.
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