Keeping your teeth clean and healthy is an essential part of proper oral hygiene. Plaque on your teeth is usually caused by poor oral hygiene or some people are genetically predisposed to it. 

If not treated, it continues to buildup and hardens into tartar, leading to gingivitis, or inflammation of the gum tissue. Mineral deposit on teeth is known as tartar.

As time passes by, the amount of tartar increases and if you don’t take care, it can cause periodontists.
Luckily, we have the solution that will help you to get rid of the plaque and whiten your teeth.
1 tablespoon of baking soda
½ a cup of cold and warm water each
½ a teaspoon of salty water
½ a cup of mineral water
½ a cup of hydrogen peroxide
Mouthwash (antiseptic)
Dental floss
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