Ingrown hair is generally known as razor bumps that have the strength to grow back into the skin instead of increasing in length from it. 

The razor bumps produced by ingrown hair are appeared just like a pimple and the symptoms occur due to this are redness, swelling, pain and irritation in that area. The most targeted area is when people used to shave to remove the unwanted hair like beard area, under arms, legs and bikini area.
This is not so difficult to deal with but it is uncomfortable and irritating problem for those people who suffer. You can try some home remedies that will help in the healing process in order to get rid of the inflammation and redness.
1. Baking Soda
Baking soda helps in keeping the skin smooth as it contains anti-inflammatory properties. It has exfoliating properties too that it helps in reducing the inflammation of the skin.
Take a bowl and mix one tbsp. of baking soda and one cup of water in it. Take a small piece of cotton ball and dip it in this solution. Dab it gradually on the affected skin then leave it for five minutes then wash it off with cold water.
2. Tea Tree Oil
It has anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which help in healing and preventing the skin from any infection.
In two tbsp. of distilled water, add five drops of tea tree oil then apply this dilute mixture on the affected skin. Make sure that you have cleansed the area with antibacterial soap before using this mixture. Leave it for 10 minutes the rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this remedy twice daily.
3. Aspirin
Aspirin has soothing properties so it helps in reducing the redness and inflammation occur due to ingrown hair.
In one tsp of warm water, soak two tablets of aspirin until it dissolves and appears in the form of a paste-like uniformity.
Now add one tsp of honey to the paste.
Apply this paste on the affected area then leave it for 10 minutes.
Wash it off with warm water then pat dry the skin.
Follow this remedy once or twice a week.
4. Cucumber
Cucumbers contain anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties that deal with the annoying symptoms of ingrown hair. It also has vitamin C that helps in relieving the pain.
Take a cucumber and slice them then place them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
After half an hour, take out chilled slices of cucumber from the refrigerator then gently rub it on the affected skin.
Do this for several times daily.
You can also prepare a puree of cucumber and mixing it with one-third cup of milk.
Put this mixture also in refrigerator for few minutes.
Take a woolen cloth piece and soak it in the mixture then apply it on the affected area for few minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

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