This mixture alkalizes the body, which can fight many health conditions, such as acidosis. Moreover, this property can promote the kidney function and proper digestion.

 Furthermore, it can combat acid reflux, help heartburn, and boost the immune system.
Provide the Necessary Nutrients

Starting the day with this mixture will provide your body with the crucial minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.
Improve the Cardiovascular Health
This powerful combination will regulate the bad cholesterol levels and thus, improve your cardiovascular health.

How to take this powerful combination?

Take a glass of lukewarm water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and juice of half a lemon. Mix it well and drink it on an empty stomach. 

Bear in mind that you shouldn’t consume it when full. Consume this remedy for 2 weeks and then make a 2-week break.

Note: If you suffer from gastritis, edema, high blood pressure or heart problems it is not appropriate to take this remedy. Moreover, it can be unsafe for nursing mothers or pregnant women.
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