White hair is a common problem for many men and women.The main cause of gray hair is a lack of the essential nutrients, particularly vitamin A and B group vitamins, including the minerals copper, iron and zinc. Also, gray hair occurs naturally with age.White hair may be the result of stress and tension. Consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee in excessive amount may also cause white hair. A faulty diet is also considered as one of the important causes of white hair.

Best Remedies to Turn White Hair Into Black

Best Remedies to Turn White Hair Into Black

1.Lemon Juice And Gooseberry

Gooseberry is a really famous fruit in India which treats almost every ailment in this world.Indian gooseberry is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which promote hair growth and prevent premature graying by revitalizing the pigmentation in your hair.And lemon has the antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties that helps to cure from hair-fall, damaged hair and white hair problems.

  • Lemon

  • Powder of Indian gooseberry (Amla)

  • Pure Water.

Method To Prepare The Remedy: - Mix juice of a lemon, two teaspoons of water and four teaspoons of Indian gooseberry (Amla) powder. Mix well & make a paste; then leave it thoroughly up to an hour.

  • Massage into scalp before bed and leave on overnight for maximum benefit.

  • Wash hair in the morning.

  • Repeat daily.

2.Henna Powder

Henna is the excellent herbal remedy to coloring the white hair; it's a natural coloring product that you can easily make at home.It is a well-known fact that henna works effectively for hair problems in multiple ways.Mix henna powder with castor oil and lemon and make a thick paste. Leave it for at least two hour. Then apply this remedial paste to you scalp or hairs. Wash it after one and half hour to get natural coloring of hair.Afterwards you can continue with this treatment weekly.
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