Did you know that the water you throw away after boiling rice has beneficial effects on your health? You can use rice water for hair and skin beauty treatments. The use of rice water as a beauty method is starting to become more popular in Asia and also on other continents.
For hair, using rice water gives your hair extra natural shine. For face skin, it makes the skin softer and healthier. In addition, the use of rice water is also highly recommended by Ayurveda specialists (in traditional Hindu medicine).

Benefits Rice water
There is a tradition of washing your hair with rice water in China. Yao women ethnic group is extensively practicing for hundreds of years. This group is famous for the braking record they brought to their community in Huangluo. Women with the longest hair in the world live in this village.

They share with us their secret of their long and silky hair: rice water. Besides the above mentioned properties, rice water makes hair even easier to comb.

When it comes to skincare, it can be used as natural tonic. Swab your face using a cotton pad soaked in rice water. It will soothe the skin giving it a smooth appearance. It also helps in preventing and fading blemishes caused by aging.
Due to its slightly astringent effect, rice water helps reducing enlarged pores. Most importantly, rice water can be used on any skin type: whether you have a dry skin, oily or normal.
Apart from the benefits already mentioned, rice water has also health benefits:
– it provides energy since it is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals helping balancing the metabolism;
– it prevents cancer. It is known that rice, the brown one in particular, is highly rich in fiber and antioxidants, such as vitamin A and phenol that contribute to lowering the risk of certain types of cancer;
– it regulates body temperature;
– it prevents gastroenteritis;
– it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension since it drops blood pressure. Moreover, it improves cardiovascular body functions;
– it has soothing properties being an effective remedy for hives or itchy skin that are caused by various skin disorders.
It is really simple to prepare rice water. All you have to do is boil some rice in a large quantity of water, as not to absorb the entire liquid while boiling.

In the end, after the liquid is filtered, the remaining water can be used as a drink when it is still warm or for washing your hair or skin. It is recommended to store it in refrigerator up to four days.

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