Take Lemon Juice in the Morning

A glass of hot water with lemon in the morning helps activate thermogenesis, which makes our body begin to burn fat.To kick start your weight loss program, the first thing you should do to take a glass of lemon juice.Lemons contain flavonoids, which are plant pigments that are known to have strong antioxidant properties. That means they help protect your cells from damage. It also contains potassium, which helps support heart health.If you’re thinking about losing weight, we suggest that above all, you learn to change your daily habits improve your diet, engage in a more active lifestyle, and complement your daily nutrient intake with some known allies for weight loss: teas, smoothies, fat-burning fruits, and medicinal plants.

[caption id="attachment_434" align="aligncenter" width="374"]Lemon Water Recipe for Weight Loss Image via: en.wikipedia.org[/caption]

Thing You Need

  • Water – 1 glass

  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp

Thing You Should Do

  1. After getting up from the bed, take 1 glass of water.

  2. Add 2 tbsp lemon juice to the water.

  3. Stir it well and drink.

  4. Drink this detox lemon water every day to boost your energy level and lose weight.
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