We all know full hips and thighs are a beautiful thing – but there are still many women who have looked begrudgingly at their legs in the mirror. Unfortunately there’s no one exercise or food that does the trick of reducing thigh fat — spot reducing fat doesn’t work. But, not to worry, we have compiled a list of 10 things you can do to effectively lose thigh fat, if you want to.

8 Simple Ways To Lose Thigh Fat
Credit: http://getoffthecouch.xyz

1. Do a good amount of cardio exercise each week

Burning calories is key to reducing your overall body fat, and heart-pumping cardio is going to make that happen. Choose the types that burn the most calories such as biking, running, and jumping rope. As a bonus, biking, running and jumping rope also tone the legs while you’re doing them. Do 60-minute sessions five times a week to really notice a difference.

2. Always be on the upwards

The incline, that is. When doing cardio, pump up the treadmill’s incline, find some hills to bike or run up, or do the stairs outside or in your home. You’ll instantly feel your heart-rate increase, which means you’re working harder, burning more calories than if you stuck to a flat surface. Incline also targets the thighs, hamstrings, and tush, toning your lower body.

3. Train your strength

With all the cardio you’re doing that’s stripping away that extra layer of fat surrounding your lower body, you want to reveal strong, toned muscles underneath. Doing moves that sculpt your inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, and butt will make your legs look leaner and slimmer.

4. Start your day with breakfast

Definitely don’t skip the first meal of the day since it’ll jump-start your metabolism, helping to reduce your overall body fat to reveal your leaner legs. Pass on sugary, refined-carb meals, and opt for a combo of protein and fiber-filled complex carbs. The protein will give you energy, so you’ll feel pumped for that early morning cardio workout, and it also helps build muscle. The carbs will sustain that energy and keep you feeling full.

5. Don’t forget to snack

Eating a little something every few hours will prevent hunger from causing you to overeat, so be sure to eat a snack in between meals. Keep it under 150 calories and choose foods high in protein and fiber to fill you up and offer energy.

6. Keep a journal of what you eat

You can’t slim down by exercise alone. It’s important to cut calories as well and to know your daily calorie intake. Though it may seem tedious, keeping a food journal works — in fact, one study found that those who logged what they ate six days a week lost twice as much weight as those who only kept track of a day or less. In order to lose a pound a week, you need to cut 500 calories a day — 250 through exercise and 250 through diet is a good breakdown. Just be sure not to dip below 1,200 calories. Writing it down will keep you accountable for every bite.

7. Drink more water

Choose water every time you reach for a drink, and you’ll save hundreds of calories avoiding sodas, fruit juices, and other sweetened beverages. Aside from being zero calories, it’ll keep you hydrated, which also helps with weight loss. Keep water close by, and sip it often, especially before meals — filling up on water before eating helps encourage portion control.

8. Get more sleep

Getting enough rest is also proven to aid in weight loss. Sleepiness makes people snack more, consuming extra calories, while also making them too tired to work out.

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