During the first 2 days, hold the plank for 20 sec and increase up to 30 sec on the 4th and 40 sec on the 5th day.
Make a break on the 6th day and continue planking for 50 sec on the 7th and 8th day.  In the next 2 days, hold the position for a min.
Plank for 90 sec on the 12th day and then make a break the next day.
On the 14th and 15th day, continue planking for a min and a half. Try to hold the plank position for 120 sec min in the next 2 days.
On the 18th day, try to plank for 150 sec and then make a break. In the next few days, resume with 150sec and on the 22th and 23th day, hold for 180 sec.
Plank for 210 sec the next day, make a break the next day and on the 26th day also plank for 210 sec.
On the 27th and 28th day, plank for 240 sec or try to endure as much as you can.
You will be amazed by the results when you will finish the whole challenge.Previous Page
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