Apple cider vinegar detox is one of the best-kept secrets in the fitness world and others who use it to detox on a regular basis. Apple cider vinegar is full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes in it are raw forms. Raw apple Cider Vinegar is what is recommended for all detox and cleansing.

If you are looking for a natural boost to your weight loss efforts, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice may provide some small benefits. Because it helps lower blood sugar, increases satiety and may improve digestion, apple cider vinegar may help you shed pounds and improve your health.

There are many variations on this lemon detox drink and you can mix it up however you want. Here is one.
1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar containing “the mother”
2 tbsp. of fresh/frozen berries (we recommend raspberries)
1 tbsp. of lemon juice (or two drops of lemon essential oil)
1 of raw honey to taste (optional)
How To Prepare

Place the berries in a cup and add some honey. Use the back of a spoon to blend the ingredients. After that, pour the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Put enough ice and then fill the cup with water.

Mix well and drink your tasty, healthy drink.
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