Classical straight and narrow nose reveals an inspired person, but also very functional, which has the organizational skills. These are people who in times of crisis, are good to have beside you. 
Persons with Greek noses don’t panic, think logically and know the emotions linger for themselves. In the work they are very effective.


Ahh, the snub nose, the good old sub nose. This lil’ guy is relatively small, it isn’t protrusive at all, in any direction. 
Those with the SN react quickly, are quick-witted, and street-wise. They can sometimes be aggressive but are a whack of fun and full of energy. Whose got one? Well, Lily Allen, of course.

The nasal arch bulges out, and the tip is focused downward to an even greater degree than with a hooked nose. You’re a natural born organizer; any event – be it one associated with work or something more informal – will proceed perfectly with you at the helm.
This is because you always work honestly and can resolve even the most complicated tasks.
This nose is long and has a bit of a hook on the tip that points down. The ridge itself is usually curved and it’s very prominent. 

A very strong trait these people possess is that fact that they don’t care what others think of them.
You’ll never see them seeking approval but you’ll definitely see them working hard to achieve their goals, often rebelling along the way. Previous Page

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