Bananas can help you when you experience heartburn, as they are a good source of antacid and can regulate this unpleasant condition

In case your body lacks iron, bananas are an excellent option. Bananas contain substances that trigger the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin and considerably aid anemic people

Bananas help when it comes to sore throat and coughs

Bananas are abundant in tryptophan, a substance which is very important for our body, as the body uses this substance to turn it into serotonin, the hormone of happiness. So, next time you feel bad or depressed, bring the bananas

Researchers have discovered that students who consume a banana for breakfast, snack, or after lunch have a considerably higher level of concentration. This is due to the high presence of potassium in bananas, which triggers the brain and facilitates learning and memory

Pregnant women should especially take care of their nutrition, and should know that bananas are great choice for them, because they are healthy, delicious food which will ease the burden that affects the most pregnant women.
Also, bananas alleviate the morning sickness, due to the fact that they increase the levels of sugar in the blood. Previous Page


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