Excessive use of hair spray, styling gels, serums, styling products, hot irons, help you achieve super sexy looks and hairstyles for a short while but when it comes to the real naked unstyled natural hair it is lifeless dull and totally damaged hair.

Your completely ruined hair needs deep conditioning to make up for the damage done by chemical usage at salons and spas.

All-natural and organic homemade hair masks nourish the scalp and hair roots. Making a homemade hair mask is not only very cheap but also very easy—all you need are a few simple kitchen ingredients.

Your hair needs some love. So, you’ll get our help cause’ we’ve got you covered with our Top DIY Hair Mask – that includes four natural ingredients that can, without a doubt, be found in your home. Let’s get into it!


-1 egg yolk;
-1 medium banana;
-100 ml of beer;
-2 tablespoons of honey

To make this hair mask hair with bananas and beer, you have mixed the egg yolk very good in a bowl then crush the banana and mix these two ingredients. Then spill the beer and honey over and mix the composition until you get a homogenous mixture.

Comb and part your hair in two then apply the mask throughout hair length’s including its roots. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave the mask to act for two hours then rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Use this mask up to 3 times a week to improve the texture, vibrancy and overall health of their hair.
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