Hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism, making it more difficult to lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy body weight. But weight loss is still possible with hypothyroidism.

For producing several hormones that power your metabolism thyroid is responsible. Those hormones also lower your bad cholesterol and fat levels.

This places proper thyroid function quite high up on the list of things that need to happen for proper weight loss to ensure.It’s not the only thing on that list, though.

So, underactive thyroid sufferers rejoice, there are ways to circumnavigate your health condition and shed those pounds in spite of it.

Get Lots Of Exercise

Exercise speeds up your metabolism, working against the major weight loss challenge an underactive thyroid poses.

As a bonus, exercise at moderate intensity also boosts your thyroid’s hormone secretion rate. 

This tames the bad cholesterol level spike hypothyroidism causes, reducing your chance of obesity-related conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Focus on exercises of the aerobic variety; activities like walking and running will provide the best benefits for someone with an underactive thyroid looking to lose weight.

Optimize Your Thyroid Medication

I wanted, to begin with, a nutrition recommendation but correcting your thyroid medication first priority. 

If your medication is not helping to correct TSH and thyroid hormone levels, as well as relieve symptoms, then weight loss goes from difficult to impossible.

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