3. Mix the peppers in a blender with enough alcohol so that you get a denser consistency. Pour this mixture in the bottle so that ¾ of it is filled.
4. Fill the bottle to its top with 50% alcohol and close it. Shake is couple of times during the day.
5. Let the tincture stay in a dry and dark place for 15 days and then strain it. Keep the final tincture in a darker bottle.
If you want a stronger tincture, let it stay for three months before straining it.
6. Keep it in a dark and dry place. It will never get spoiled.
Give about 7 drops of this tincture to a conscious patient who had a stroke or a heart attack. Give the patient another

7 drops after five minutes. Repeat this process until the condition of the patient improves.
If the patient is not conscious, place 2 drops of this tincture under the tongue, and start doing CPR. Repeat this process every five minutes until the condition of the patient improves.

• Cayenne can also be used for the treatment of other health issues.
• It has strong antifungal properties; cayenne pepper prevents Colletotrichum and Pomopsis.
• It is popular for its beneficial impact on the digestive tract, since it activates the production of gastric juices, and also relieves gas.
• Cayenne has anticancer properties, and it’s particularly recommended for smokers and patients with lung cancer. It is thought that capsaicin can prevent the development of tumor caused by cigarettes and similar results were discovered in people with liver cancer.
• Also, it’s helpful for the treatment of stomach issues, migraines, flu symptoms, allergies, obesity, redness, arthritis and toothache.

Researchers confirmed that there are 26 nutrients contained in cayenne pepper. Zinc, calcium, magnesium and selenium are among most essential minerals contained in cayenne peppers. Apart from minerals, cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin A and C.
Cayenne pepper is among the most powerful natural spices and is miraculous for your heart. If you are having heart issues, always keep some of this tincture at hand.
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