Facial hair is a real problem for many women. Many of us are facing with the increased excess of lint in the ears area or mustache. Forget about facial hair and the painful methods to remove it. In this article you will find how to prepare at home a remedy that will help you to remove facial hair without pain.

Get rid of facial hair permanently without pain

Aesthetic conventions have established that women don’t have mustaches and men are not waxing. Things have changed in what concerns men, but not for the women too. There is no way for a women with mustache to be sexy.
Excess of hair on the face is a fairly common problem for many women who feel forced use different treatments, some of them that are really expensive, to have a smoother skin. The good news is that excess hair on the face can be removed by using facial masks with natural ingredients.  Their advantage being that does not irritate the skin.
Get rid of facial hair permanently without pain
– 1 tablespoon of flour
– 1 teaspoon of sugar
– 1 egg

Procedure: Mix well all the ingredients, until you obtain a paste that is like a glue. Be sure that the mixture has the glue consistency, in order to achieve the desired effect. Apply the paste on your face, especially on the hairy areas and leave it to act 15 minutes, until it dries. After that, remove the mask from your face, by peeling. After peeling, you can wash your face.  The result will be amazing.
Do not forget! After you removed the hair from your face, use a moisturizing and calming cream. You can repeat the process from time to time to be sure that hair do not reappear again.
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